Monday, March 23, 2009

The Google Sites I Created

The Google Sites I created is titled as "smuhsdmills" and the URL is

I made this site for my Chinese 2 classes. A Google slide presentation of the lesson we are currently learning is included that shows the pictures, Chinese words of some hobbies, the grammar notes, sentence structures and the whole text. A photo gallery of the Chinese New Year posters and a work document are tagged along so that I can practice how to incorporate various features into my site.


  1. I like the slideshows for the students to practice identifying/speaking the vocabulary word. My suggestion would be to use VoiceThread for the pictures so the kids can record their must be awfully exciting for them to record and share.

  2. I found the site interesting and useful. The site is well organized. I think students would benefit from visiting this site.

    Eric Simon

  3. What fun to provide your students with a usable website that includes so many wonderful photos! I especially enjoyed the slideshow: Name that Hobby.
